
I love to talk about my findings at conferences and meetups.
Find some of my recent and upcoming talks below.

Upcoming Talks

🔪 How we cut our AWS costs in half

For this talk I joined forces with @debe and we’re presenting our recent work for a customer where we cut the AWS bill in half using a holisitic approach. It covered

(Open Source ) observability test drive workshop

Together with my fellow co-founder Henrik I’ll conduct an interesting test-drive through open-source observability software (full day workshop).

Searching large data sets in (near) constant time

For this talk I joined forces with @debe and we’re presenting our recent work for a customer where we enabled the Apache Solr search engine to search through large data sets in near constant time.

Logging für Microservices und Container: Wir bauen eine Shared-Nothing-Logging-Infrastruktur

  • Speaker-deck
  • JAX 2019

For this talk I joined forces with [@backstreetkiwi]( and we're presenting our approach combining a shared nothing architecture with a centralized logging approach (German version).

Workshop: Open Source Observability & Log Management für Container-Umgebungen

  • DevOpsCon 2019

In this workshop we’ll walk through the building blocks of a modern monitoring and observability infrastructure (e.g. Filebeat, Logstash, Graylog, Elastic, Prometheus, Grafana). We’ll also shed light on other solutions like e.g. Loki and Kibana. We’ll start off with a naked Kubernetes cluster, extending the monitoring capabilities step by step. We’ll deploy typical monitoring targets like a Spring Boot application or a WordPress blog. Together we’ll develop monitoring strategies for applications, ingresses and the surrounding container environment.

Kubernetes the ❤️ way: Putting Kubernetes into production

  • Speaker-deck
  • JAX 2019

A talk focussing on the skills needed to run an Kubernetes cluster from a developers advocate perspective.

Beyond Cloud

  • Youtube
  • DevOpsCon 2018

Public cloud services have become a commodity asset in the past years. Shopping24 though is currently running all systems on pure bare metal. I’ll lay out Shopping24’s move into the Amazon AWS cloud a few years back and our recent journey back into a classic datacenter. The bottom line for doing effective DevOps in both classic and cloud infrastructure is automatization.

Open Source Logging and Monitoring

  • Youtube
  • code.talks 2017, JAX 2017, W-JAX 2017

Logging und Monitoring sind kein sexy Thema. Niemand hat Lust, sich auf Konsolen einzuloggen und Logdateien zu durchforsten. In Docker-Umgebungen potenziert sich das Problem noch einmal. Ich zeige in dieser Session das Zusammenspiel aus Logstash und Graylog zur Access-Loganalyse, Sentry zum Exception Logging sowie Graphite und Grafana zur Visualisierung von Anwendungsmetriken.

Context Driven Search Ranking and Faceting

  • Youtube
  • Lucene/Solr Revolution 2017

In e-commerce, when searching over a wide range of products, sorting your search result is crucial to your business. You most likely want to sort your search result depending on the search context - like the dominating category or the user's search or order history. We built a Solr plugin to determine the current category "in flight" and change sorting and facetting of the current query without adding any overhead to the query.

Ungefähr populär – Moderne Datenstrukturen im Einsatz

  • Speaker-deck
  • JAX 2017

Mit Hadoop und diversen Streamingframeworks (Spark, Flink) steht ein ganzer Blumenstrauß an Tools bereit, um in (fast) Echtzeit auch große Datenmengen zu analysieren. Was aber wenn die benötigte Rechenleistung in keinem Verhältnis zum Problem steht? Hier helfen moderne Datenstrukturen wie z. B. der Bloom-Filter oder der Count-Min Sketch. Diese speichern sehr große Datenmengen auf sehr kleinem Raum.

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